Duende plug-ins provide the superior precision, advanced feature set and legendary tonal characteristics of SSL console products in affordable VST/AU/RTAS* plug-in form. The Duende Native Plug-in suite is a collection of audio processing tools which bring professional audio quality, sophistication and benchmark performance within reach of all DAW users. Duende Native plug-ins are functionally and sonically identical to the highly acclaimed, but now discontinued DSP powered Duende plug-ins, but they run natively using your host computers processing resources.

The world’s leading manufacturer of professional digital and analogue consoles is proud to announce the release of Duende Native. ALSO its not even RTAS so Mac Pro Tools users (which are 80% of all studio engineers according to a survey I just made up about it) are stuck in the dark unless you buy FXpansions Wrapper program. Too bad Waves has had this spot for years now, but you are in fact SSL and everything they make is GOLD so time will tell if they can outdo Waves in the software world.

Well looky here! SSL decided to drop the extra hardware and appeal to the other 95% of us who don’t want to buy even more hardware than we already have to use.