The couples performed one dance in which they had to sing at the beginning of the performance. Anahí & George: Eliminated (but safe with the lifeguard)." We're All in This Together"-from High School Musical " (I've Had) The Time of My Life"- Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes " Cell Block Tango"-from Chicago / " Libertango"- Astor Piazzolla The couples performed one unlearned dance to celebrate the past years of their lives. Angie & Horacio: Eliminated (but safe with the lifeguard).

During the show, boxer Jonathan Maicelo left the competition due to an injury, so former contestant Cesar Távara took his place in the competition. Nine celebrities were announced, of which six returned from previous seasons and three were new to the show (Emilio Jaime, Fernanda Kanno, and Aldo Olcese). Chorando se foi quem um dia só me fez chorar Chorando se foi quem um dia só me fez chorar Chorando estará, ao lembrar de um amor Que um dia não soube cuidar Chorando estará, ao lembrar de um amor Que um dia não soube cuidar.

On September 2, 2017, participants and their professional dancers were presented at the first week. In this way, Neyra became the second professional dancer two times champion, after Lucas Piró, since he also won Reyes de Show of 2015. On October 14, 2017, Anahí de Cárdenas and her professional dancer George Neyra were crowned champions, Vania Bludau and Oreykel Hidalgo finished second, while César Távara and Alexa Montoya finished third. The season was also named "La Revancha", due to the return of former participants for a new opportunity to win the competition.

Season three of the 2017 edition of El Gran Show premiered on September 2, 2017.